Muslim Keto Coach

Who Am I?

Hi, I’m Michelle, a Swedish Muslim Keto Coach that’s been following the ketogenic diet since October 2018. I’ve managed to go from an embarrassing size 24 to a comfortable size 16 within 10 months, without any exercise and by eating FAT!

Yes, I ate fat to lose fat?

What is Keto?

Essentially it’s a weight loss meal prep plan that is wholly centred around reducing your daily intake of carbohydrates and replacing them with fat. By lowering your carb intake through keto, your body is pushed into entering a natural process, known as ketosis. During this process, ketones (which are essential acids build up in your body, turning into its primary source of energy. This leaves any stored fats to burn off. 

The diet plan was originally developed in the 1920s, as an alternative type of fasting to treat epilepsy. This was because doctors discovered that patients had fewer epileptic seizures when they had symptoms of low blood sugar or starvation. So they were placed on a diet that consisted of around 60% fat, 30% protein, and approximately 10% carbohydrates.

Ketosis was then induced, where a patient’s body would break down any fat into ketones, which would then be converted into energy. The ketones seemed to help due to their anti-electrical effects, which counteracted the abnormal electric discharges in the brain that are linked to epileptic seizures. This treatment was predominantly used on children, but its popularity faded as more anti-epileptic and anti-seizure pharmaceutical medications were introduced.

Now keto is back for reasons beyond the treatment of epilepsy, as many people are taking advantage of the keto diet for its ability to improve focus, enhance energy levels, lower blood and cholesterol levels, and of course for its weight loss potential. 

My Journey

My journey to becoming a Muslim Keto Coach all started 25 years ago when my father was diagnosed with diabetes that had got so bad he had to have an insulin pump. Despite trying to follow the recommended diet, It wasn’t helping him. He then turned to the Atkins diet and finally saw some results, however every time he ate something with carbohydrates, his blood sugar would just spike up. Finally, he then decided to just not eat any carbohydrates, that then later lead him to the ketogenic diet. My father has now been free from diabetes for over 20 years and is more healthy now in his 70’s than he was in his 40’s!

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In the summer of 2018, I was experiencing very alarming heart palpitations and had to have a heart monitor for 48 hours. That was a scary experience, although nothing was found, I knew I was eating and drinking my way to diabetes!

The amount of sugar I was consuming was obviously a silent cry for help but my addiction to it had already taken a strong grip on me. I knew what I wanted to do, what I needed to do, but just never actually did it. Until one gloomy autumn day in October when I had to have another painful tooth extracted, I realised I had had enough. I too like my father, started my long journey of change.

There were lots of ups and downs as I had to learn everything on my own, often through trial and error. I fought through plateaus, holiday & family challenges, Eids & parties and even the Keto-Flu, I even gave up hope at times. But I don’t regret going sugar-free for one moment of my life, I only regret not listening to my father all those years ago. I could have possibly had more children, I know and trust in Gods Will but at the same time, I can’t help but think, what if I had listened? (Sugar does mess up the reproduction process.)

Now I have a new life!

I thought I was getting old, with all the pain in my joints and aches I was experiencing, but I was wrong!

I’m not old and I have no more pain or aches. I can run, not very far but I can run!?

The ONE thing I WISH I had was a coach to guide me.  Someone to go to for support and advice. Not some Personal Trainer who has been fit & slim their whole life, but someone who knows the struggle, someone who has “been there, done that.” Knows how it feels like. Someone who can offer me guidance through the process, be there for me through all the MENTAL challenges and roadblocks I encountered.

That’s why I decided to start sharing my story and coaching others.  I want to be the coach & mentor that I wish I had.

What I offer as a Muslim Keto Coach

I offer a bespoke coaching programme for women, to cater to their own individual needs, this is paid monthly in advance and can be cancelled at any time. As this is based on the client’s individual needs, the price will be variable depending on how much support & time is needed. Services include:

  • FREE online consultation & assessment where we review your goals, eating habits and past experience with weight-loss and diet.
  • Unlimited one-on-one email & online support
  • Help with what to eat and how much, including recipe recommendations and meal ideas
  • Help with finding the right mindset & motivation

Why Keto?

As a Muslim Keto Coach I can show you how the ketogenic diet has the potential to help your health in so many different ways. 

  • It can reduce your insulin resistance and thereby increase your health immensely. 
  • It helps aid you in weight loss without the need for exercise or hunger.
  • You can eat as much as you want from a long list of REAL and HEALTHY foods. 
  • It can help your brain function normally and possibly prevent Alzheimer’s. 
  • It’s been proven to drastically help reduce and prevent Acne.
  • Prevent & reduce PCOS Joint pain
  • Prevent & maintain high cholesterol 
  • Prevent & reduce high blood pressure 

And that’s just mentioning a few. Of course, everyone is different and may respond differently to this lifestyle but there is nothing dangerous about it. However saying that, It’s always advisable that if you are on any ongoing medication or suffer from any underlying health problems, to talk to your doctor. I would strongly recommend talking to me first though so that I can show you how!

In these worrying times with the COVID-19 sweeping the world, it’s more important than ever to be the healthiest version of yourself as you can be. The ketogenic diet is easy, affordable and I can help you see amazing results in no time, within the comfort of your home. So contact me now!

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