Today I will share a very innovative recipe with you. I will be making the famous Uzbek Hanum with a Moroccan twist, so I called it Steamed Meloui. Uzbek hanum is aka Özbek hanim börek, Khanum or Xanum. It is a steamed meat or potato roulette made with pasta dough exactly the same as the Moroccan Meloui dough but without the semolina. Another difference is that Moroccan Filled Meloui is typically a thinner roulette that is pan-cooked or put in an oven. Hanum is a much thicker roulette that is steamed on a stove.
Moroccan Meloui Dough VS Uzbek Hanum Dough Method
There is a huge difference in how Moroccan Meloui Dough and Uzbek Hanum Dough are made, yet both of these authentic methods deserve respect and take time to master.
Moroccans don’t roll out the dough with a rolling pin and flour. We use melted fat/butter and oil to spread the dough out thin with our hands. Uzbeks have a skilful rolling technique using a very long rolling pin. You will find both methods intriguing to watch!
The ingredients of the two doughs are the same, however, because Meloui doesn’t need rolling, the dough doesn’t require to be as tough, so we may use a little more water to make the dough softer and more spreadable for Meloui.
What Fillings Can Be Used?
Typically, the Moroccan filling for meloui is minced meat and onion. Traditional Uzbek filling is potato and onion with some minced meat variations. The best part of this recipe is it’s made up, so you can add whatever you want. I would like to try it with chicken bastilla filling!
Steamed Meloui – Moroccan Style Hanum (khanum)
- 1 Steamer
For the Filling
- 1 kg minced Lamb or mutton
- 4 large onions peeled, washed & sliced long
- 4-5 carrots peeled, washed and grated
- ½ batch fresh mint washed and chopped
- ½ batch fresh parsley washed and chopped
- ½ batch fresh coriander washed and chopped
- 2-3 tsp Salt to taste
- 2 tsp ground ginger powder
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp crushed black pepper
- 1 tbsp of whole or crushed cumin
- 1 tbsp whole or crushed coriander seeds
- 3-4 tbsp Olive oil
For The Dough
- 1 kg white all-purpose flour (4 small bowls)
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp Salt to taste
- 1 pint of lukewarm water
- 1 cup vegetable oil with 3 tbsp butter (melted) for use in spreading out and rolling the dough
- Steamed Melwoui – Moroccan-Style Hanum