Top 15 Moroccan Vegetarian Recipes Using Chermoula


The last post I did, shared how to make Moroccan Chermoula which is a marinade that can be used as a rub for grills or a paste to season salads, dips & Tagines. So today I decided to share with you the Top 15 Moroccan Vegetarian Recipes & Vegan Recipes that will give you a good idea on how you can utilise it to your advantage.

Also called Charmillah or Sharmoula this authentic and delicious marinade is actually quite famously used for Moroccan Fish Tagine or marinating fish & seafood before frying or grilling. However, in addition to this, it is used as a base for many Moroccan vegetarian & vegan-friendly salads and vegetable Tagines.

The Chermoula paste base has all the flavoursome spices you need for a delicious, healthy, home-cooked meal. Some of which include, organic Moroccan Olive oil, freshly crushed garlic & green herbs, Moroccan harissa paste, freshly squeezed lemon juice or Moroccan preserved lemon and spices.

Here I have collected the Top 13 Moroccan Vegetarian Recipes & Vegan Recipes you can try at home. They are quick, easy and most importantly, very tasty!

Top 15 Moroccan Vegetarian & Vegan Recipes Using Chermoula

Za3louk (Zaalouk) Kromb – Moroccan Cabbage With Spinach
vegetarian,vegan,Moroccan,recipes,chermoula,Moroccan cooking,Moroccan marinade,cabbage,spinach,salad,side dish,appetizer

This Moroccan salad’s main ingredient is cabbage, but I’ve added some fresh chopped spinach too. Usually, it’s either, cabbage or spinach but not both, but I like both, so I was creative. Feel free to experiment with Kale, Methi & Nettle Leaf

Moroccan food,Moroccan salad,Spinach,chermoula,recipe,vegetarian,vegan,food,lunch,appetizer,Morocco

I can happily have this just by itself with some olives and fresh homemade bread, if you have it like this it’s even better when served with hot Moroccan mint tea… aaahhhhh!

Although this is called a salad and popular served as a side dish around the table of a meaty main course, many enjoy it just as it is!


  • 1 small cabbage, washed, chopped and boiled or steamed until medium-soft
  • 1 bunch of fresh spinach washed & chopped
  • 2 tbsp Chermoula Paste
  • 1-2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 lemon juice
  • Chopped green chillies (if you like it hot)


  • Cut and wash your cabbage &/or spinach and set aside
  • Boil the cabbage separately in some salt water until medium soft. (or if you can steam it this is better)
  • Put a pan to heat over the stove with the oil & add the chermoula paste, additional lemon juice can be added if required at this point with the chillies.
  • Stir fry slightly before adding the spinach. Be careful not to burn the spices, just allow the aroma to rise slightly first.
  • Add the cooked cabbage to the pan shortly after the spinach has stir-fried for a bit and give it a good stir, you may add some water to prevent sticking but very little and only if needed, adjust salt to taste & leave under low heat for a few minutes.
  • This is good to serve hot or cold 😉
Za3louk (Zaalouk) Boudenjel – Moroccan Aubergine & Pepper Salad

This is a delicious Moroccan vegetarian recipe & vegan recipe. When I’m dieting I can have a generous serving of this with a wholemeal pitta for lunch and it calculates to be less than 200 calories, at one point I was even enjoying it as a breakfast with olives and a mug of green tea with mint. A tasty and satisfying healthy dish!


  • 2 Large or 4-5 small aubergines– peeled, washed and cut into cubes
  • 1/2 bunch of parsley washed and chopped
  • 1 green bell pepper – diced
  • 2 chopped green chillies- (if you like it hot)
  • 3 medium-sized tomatoes- peeled and chopped
  • 1-2 tbsp Chermoula paste.


  • Wash the aubergine well, peel or half peel them and then cut into small cubes.
  • Place into a steamer and steam or roast until soft – (you can cook whole first and then cut if you prefer, whichever is easier for you)
  • Add the olive oil into a saucepan and heat a little bit before adding Chermoula Paste.
  • Keep over low heat and stir well for a few minutes while the spices are infused before adding the chopped green pepper.
  • When the pepper has softened stir in the chopped fresh tomatoes.
  • Cook for a few more minutes before adding your steamed or roasted aubergine cubes.
  • Mix well and let simmer over low heat until all the moisture has evaporated.
  • Serve hot or cold garnished with freshly chopped parsley or cut lemon.
  • This dish is traditionally served on the side as a salad, with olives and freshly baked Moroccan bread
Batata T’qolia – Moroccan Sweet Potato & Chickpea Tagine
badada toqolia,toqolia,tomato,Tagine,chickpeas,mint,yogurt,sweet potato,potato,Moroccan food,Moroccan tagine,chermoula,recipe,vegetarian,vegan,food,lunch,appetizer,dinner,Morocco,low carb,LCHF,DIET

Batata T’qolia literally translates to potato tomato Tagine. This type of Tagine is called a T’qolia where I’m from that usually consists of a more tomatoey sauce, this is normally the case with anything made from the chermoula paste. Zaalouk, on the other hand, is the same thing, however, isn’t very saucy at all, it’s more of a thicker consistency and served as a salad or side dish. This Moroccan vegetarian recipe is vegan too & full of delicious goodness.


  • Olive Oil
  • 1-2 tbsp Chermoula Paste
  • 2-3 Medium Sweet Potatoes – cut into chunky cubes
  • 1 Carrot – (optional) cut in a similar way to the potatoes
  • 1 Green Bell Pepper
  • 1 Courgette, Zucchini – ends taken off and sliced into rounds
  • 1 tsp Sugar – (optional) to balance the flavour
  • 1 tin of chickpeas – washed & drained
  • 3-4 fresh tomatoes peeled and chopped small or ½ tin of chopped tomatoes
  • Fresh chopped chillies – (if you like it hot)


  • Add the olive oil into a pan followed by Chermoula Paste and chillies (if using)
  • Heat and infuse the flavours of the paste for a few minutes before stir-frying in the sweet potato, courgette and carrot.
  • Add the tomatoes, sugar and chickpeas followed by the green pepper and let simmer
  • After about 10 mins the vegetables would have released their flavours and cooked nicely, and the juices would have made a thick sauce, if at any stage the mixture has absorbed too much feel free to add some water to adjust it to your desired consistency.
Loubia – Moroccan White Kidney Bean Tagine
Loubia,toqolia,tomato,Tagine,chickpeas,mint,yogurt,sweet potato,potato,Moroccan food,Moroccan tagine,chermoula,recipe,vegetarian,vegan,food,lunch,beans,casserole,hot pot,one pot,family meal,white bean,white kidney beans,,dinner,Morocco,low carb

This is a healthy & delicious bean dish that is made the exact same way as the above sweet potato and chickpea Tagine but instead of adding potatoes and chickpeas, you add 2 tins of washed and drained white kidney beans.

A famous Moroccan comfort food that’s very similar to a casserole or thick soup in consistency. Pairs well with olives & bread. I like to add spinach to mine because my kids like it that way but this isn’t the traditional factor.


  • Olive Oil
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1-2 tbsp Chermoula Paste
  • 2 Tins White Kidney Beans – washed & drained
  • 1tsp Sugar – (optional) to balance the flavour
  • 5-6 fresh tomatoes peeled and chopped small or 1 tin of chopped tomatoes
  • Fresh chopped chillies – (if you like it hot)
  • 1 Bunch/Batch of Fresh Spinach – (optional) washed & chopped
  • Water (if needed)


  • Add the olive oil into a pan followed by Chermoula Paste and chillies (if using)
  • Heat and infuse the flavours of the paste for a few minutes before stir-frying in the spinach (if using).
  • Add the tomatoes and sugar followed by the washed & drained beans and let simmer
  • After about 10 mins the beans would have absorbed the flavours and cooked nicely and the juices would have made a thick sauce, if at any stage the mixture has absorbed too much feel free to add some water to adjust it to your desired consistency.
Shlada Khizzo – Moroccan Carrot Salad
Moroccan,Carrot,salad,Moroccan food,Moroccan recipes,summer food,side dish,starters,moroccan medley,halal,muslim,vegan,vegetarian

This carrot salad is a Moroccan all time classic, it’s easy, tasty, quick and healthy. The recipe perfectly illustrates how the simplest ingredients are often the best, and in this case, it only requires 3 ingredients for its preparation!


  • 3-4 carrots/500g – boiled or steamed and cut how you like
  • 2-3 tsps Chermoula Paste
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil

I still have flashbacks of my mum making this salad as a side dish when we were expecting visitors. There were piles of carrots being peeled, sliced and steamed before seasoning with her tasty chermoula paste. Many people like to add chickpeas to it, but we prefer it just as it is topped with olives & olive oil!


  • In a medium-sized pan, bring water to a boil, add the carrots and reduce the heat to medium heat.
  • Gently cook the carrots until lightly crisp and tender (10 to 20 mins depending on the size of your sliced/chopped carrots).
  • Drain, rinse under cold water and drain again, then set aside.
  • Gently warm the chermoula paste in a pan with some olive oil just until it gives out its aromas then take off the heat and combine the cooked carrots with the dressing.
  • This can be served warm or cold and you can adjust lemon juice & salt once cooled.
Batata Harra – Arabic Chilli Potato Salad
potato salad,chilli potato salad,arabic potato salad,arabic salad,badada harra,Batata Harra recipe

This is a traditional Arabic potato salad often served in most Arabic restaurants and parties. It’s always been one of my favourites, being a potato lover, I’m always looking for new ways to serve and cook potatoes.

This salad is a brilliant side dish to any meal and I also present it alongside other green salads. It can be served hot or cold and even pre-prepared the day before for when you’re expecting guests the next day.


  • 2 tbsp Chermoula Paste
  • Juice of ½ Lemon
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • ½ Red Pepper (largely diced)
  • 2 green chillies (chopped & seeded)
  • Handful of chopped fresh Parsley
  • 4-5 Medium Potatoes


  • Peel, wash and chop the potatoes into medium sized cubes and then lightly deep fry until just turned brown, pat dry and put aside.
  • In a large frying pan or wok, add the olive oil along with 1 tablespoon of chermoula paste and additional lemon juice if required to taste.
  • When it has heated and started to sizzle slightly add the chopped pepper & optional chilli (if you like it extra hot) and stir until slightly softened.
  • Then turn off the heat and add your fried potatoes and fresh chopped parsley before stirring well until juices have mixed around the potatoes nicely.
  • Leave to stand for at least 10-15 minutes so that the potato can absorb the marinade and flavour.
T’qolia Khodra – Moroccan Vegetable Tagine
Moroccan,Moroccan food,Moroccan tagine,potato,carrot,zucchini,courgette,aubergine,eggplant,cauliflower,peas,olive oil,olives,preserved lemon,chermoula,recipe,vegetarian,vegan,food,lunch,dinner,Morocco,family,one pot

This Moroccan Tagine (Tajine) is like a thick stew with delicious chunky vegetables. It’s a hearty meal, generally eaten with khobz dar (freshly homemade bread). A healthy and wholesome family meal eaten together from one big plate. It’s really versatile so you can add or replace any veggies you like for this Moroccan vegetarian recipe that is also a vegan recipe.


  • 1 Large onion– peeled & sliced
  • 2-3 tbsp olive oil
  • 2-3 tbsp Chermoula Paste
  • 4 Fresh Tomatoes- peeled and chopped (or you can use 1 can)
  • 1/4 pint or water
  • 1 tsp Sugar
  • 2 fresh green chillies (chopped)– (if you like it hot)
  • 1/2 fresh cauliflower– cut into similar sized florets
  • 1 Hand full of frozen or fresh peas
  • 1 large Carrot – peeled and sliced into rounds or long quarters
  • Pumpkin – sliced in proportion with the other veggies
  • 1 Parsnip – peeled & sliced like the carrots
  • 1 Courgette Zucchini – sliced into rounds or long ways
  • 2 Medium Potatoes – peeled, washed and quartered long ways
  • 1 Medium Aubergine, Eggplant – ends taken off & quartered long ways
  • Olives & some sliced preserved lemon are optional extras that bring out an amazing extra flavour.


  • Place the olive oil in a Tagine if you have one, if not you can use any stew suitable cooking pot.
  • Put under a low heat and continue to add the sliced onions
  • Stir occasionally until brown then add your Chermoula Paste and chopped chillies (if you are using chilli.)
  • Mix a little with a wooden spoon then add the tomatoes and sugar
  • When you see the tomatoes dissolve and change into a lighter colour you can add the veggies followed by the water.
  • All veggies should be sliced similar to each other for easier and thorough cooking. If you want them sliced into rounds, then do this with all, if you want them sliced long ways then do this with all of them. Other veggies can be chopped down to similar size accordingly. (This will prevent some vegetables from over cooking)
  • Cover your Tagine or pot and leave to cook for about 15-20 mins or until the vegetables are done (but not too soft).
  • I usually add the potatoes and carrots first and cook for a few minutes before adding the parsnip, courgettes & pumpkin, leaving the cauliflower and peas till last as they take the least time to cook.
  • You can then remove the lid & finish it off under an oven grill to achieve a crispy outer texture on the vegetables, this is completely optional. Alternatively you may want to cook it in the oven throughout rather than on the stove. Bare in mind this will increase the cooking time though.
  • Feel free to experiment with other veggies that you prefer and share your results with us in the comments section!
Shakshouka Bayd – Moroccan Pouched Eggs in Tomato Sauce
keto,Paleo,Shakshuka,Chakchouka,Shakshouka,Baayd,eggs,Tomatoe,Breakfast,Arabic,Moroccan,Halal,recipe,Muslim Food,Healthy family food,vegetarian food,Pouched egg recipe,Shakshuka,Chakchouka,Shakshouka,Moroccan,food,breakfast,brunch,lunch,eggs,tomatoes

This is obviously not vegan because it has eggs but its ok for vegetarians and those on a gluten free, low carb or protein rich diet!

This is a delicious breakfast recipe that’s very popular in North Africa and the Arab world, where it originally come from, but now it’s well known worldwide and proved to be quite a hit in the west too!

Moroccans call it Baayd bil Madicha where I’m from, which means eggs with tomatoes. The eggs are traditionally pouched in a tomato, onion & pepper sauce that’s infused with beautiful Mediterranean flavours, perfect for waking you up!

Vegans can stir fry the onions and peppers in the chermoula paste, then add the tomatoes leaving out the egg. This will make a delicious salsa sauce you can have on top of toast, pitta or ciabatta bread accompanied with olives & feta cheese. This can make just as good breakfast as the shakshouka ?


  • 1 tbsp Chermoula Paste
  • 5-6 Fresh Tomatoes – peeled and chopped (or you can use 1 tin of Tomatoes)
  • Fresh Parsley for garnish – washed & chopped
  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 tsp Sugar – optional to balance the flavour
  • 4 Organic Free Range eggs
  • 1/2 Onion & 1/2 Green Pepper (diced or sliced) – this is optional, if you choose to add these to your shakshouka, stir fry them first in the olive oil before adding the other ingredients


  • Heat the oil up in a frying pan then add Chermoula Paste, stir fry for a bit and then add the chopped onion & pepper and continue to brown for a few minutes.
  • Then add the peeled & chopped tomatoes followed by the sugar if your using it. (a fresh chopped chilli is optional)
  • When the tomatoes have dissolved into a pulp you can make a small hole in each corner to crack the 4 eggs straight into the corners of the pan, leaving room between each for expansion.
  • Sprinkle a little salt and black pepper on top, Cover and leave under a low heat until the egg whites are set and yolks still runny.
  • If you prefer your eggs well done like myself, you can finish cooking under the grill until the yolks are set to your liking.
  • Garnish with some fresh chopped parsley and serve with olives and Toasted Pitta 😉
Taktouka – Moroccan Roasted Pepper & Tomato Salad
Moroccan salads,Taktouka,roasted pepper,Roasted tomato,salad,Moroccan salad,Vegetarian salad,vegan salad,keto salad,Moroccan food

This delicious roasted pepper & tomato salad is an old family favourite, it is also another side dish and it can be eaten hot or cold, a lovely summer food.

I remember my dad introducing me to having it with a fried egg for breakfast, the combination is similar to shakshouka in a way. Accept the roasted peppers just bring out a whole different flavour. I was surprised that I loved it straight away because I wasn’t too keen on peppers as a kid, not due to the flavour but due to the skin texture on it. Roasting the peppers & tomatoes, then allowing them to cool in a container or plastic bag makes it easy to peel the skin off before chopping small. So you can enjoy the roasted pepper taste without the skin texture 😉

I grew up seeing the elders roasting them in the public ovens until charred, the sweet tasty aroma used to make its way down the streets of Morocco leaving everyone longing for the taste. These days many choose to just char them on the hob but personally I still prefer the traditional method of putting them in the oven or grill.


  • 2 lbs of Tomatoes
  • 1 lb of fresh green bell Peppers (I like the ones that have a bit of red colour in them)
  • 2-3 tbsp Chermoula Paste
  • 1-2 tsp Moroccan Vinegar or white wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil


  • Roast the peppers and the tomatoes in a preheated oven under medium heat (this usually takes about 20-30 mins turning them over a couple of times then finishing them off under a grill until the skin is dark, loose and flaky.
  • When done place inside a container or plastic bag to cool.
  • Once they are cool, peel them & remove the seeds before chopping into small squares.
  • Add the olive oil into a cooking pot or stir-frying wok followed by chermoula paste
  • If you like chilli you may want to add a couple of fresh green chillies at this point
  • Put under a low heat while giving it a good stir.
  • Then add the vinegar followed by the chopped roasted peppers and tomatoes.
  • Mix well and let cook for about 10 mins or until the moisture is evaporated
  • Serve however you please ;).
Moroccan Olive Marinade
Moroccan food,Moroccan tagine,chermoula,recipe,vegetarian,vegan,food,lunch,snack,Olives,Chermoula,Marinade,family meals,dinner,Morocco,low carb

Chermoula Paste makes the perfect marinade for olives. Buy your preferred olives, Spanish, Moroccan, black, green or red, pitted or unpitted, hey, you can even make a mix then blend in some chermoula paste, olive oil & some harissa paste if you like them spicy!

Add any amount of our Moroccan chermoula paste to suit your acquired taste. If you like your chillies add some extra Harissa paste too!

Give it all a good mix and add some cut pickled gherkins and there you have a great flavoursome side appetizer suitable for any time or meal of the day!

Moroccan Cauliflower Salad
cauliflower,za3louk,zaalouk,Moroccan food,Moroccan salad,Spinach,chermoula,recipe,vegetarian,vegan,food,lunch,appetizer,Morocco

This traditional Moroccan side dish is the same as the cabbage one but instead of using cabbage, in this case, we use cauliflower instead.

It makes a great tasty spread on top of pitta or toast, if you combine some sliced olives and salad you can create some exotically spiced-up sandwiches, baguettes and wraps. If you do choose to have it like this, it’s even better when served with hot Moroccan mint tea… aaahhhhh!

Here is a courgette, zucchini version too, cooked exactly the same way except some prefer to stir-fry the courgettes in the chermoula paste until cooked instead of steaming or boiling. I particularly love this dish topped with crumbled feta cheese!

zucchini,courgette,Moroccan food,Moroccan salad,Spinach,chermoula,recipe,vegetarian,vegan,food,lunch,appetizer,Morocco

Although this is called a salad and popular served as a side dish around the table of a meaty main course, many enjoy it just as it is with freshly home baked bread!


  • 1 cauliflower, washed, chopped and boiled or steamed until medium soft – OR – 5-6 small courgettes halved longways then sliced
  • 1-2 tbsp Chermoula Paste
  • 1-2 tbsp Olive Oil
  • Green chopped chillies (if you like it hot)


  • Cut and wash your fresh cauliflower into similar sized florets
  • Boil or steam them in some salt water until medium soft. Add some chopped preserved lemon and garlic to the water.
  • Put a pan to heat over the stove with the oil & add the chermoula paste, you can add the chillies at this point. Additional lemon juice can be added now or at the end if required.
  • Stir fry slightly and be careful not to burn the spices, just allow the aroma to rise slightly first.
  • Add the cooked cauliflower to the pan and stir fry for a bit, give it a good stir, you may add some water to prevent sticking but very little, adjust salt to taste & leave under a low heat for a few minutes.
  • When the cauliflower has softened and absorbed in all the flavours you can mash it down into a smoother textured mix.
  • This is good to serve hot or cold 😉
Moroccan Green Bean Salad
green beans,Moroccan food,Moroccan salad,Spinach,chermoula,recipe,vegetarian,vegan,food,lunch,appetizer,Morocco

This delicious salad appetizer can also be served hot in winter or cold in summer, it serves as a great side dish and is often complemented with feta cheese, marinated olives and grills.

Green beans have many health benefits and are very low in calories so when I’m dieting I can enjoy a generous serving of this with a boiled egg & tuna for lunch and it calculates to be less than 200 calories. A tasty and satisfying healthy dish!


  • 1 medium onion – sliced or diced (optional)
  • About 4 cups of organic fresh green beans – frozen is ok but not as nice
  • 2 chopped green chillies- (if you like it hot)
  • 3 Medium Sized Fresh Tomatoes- peeled and chopped
  • 1-2 tbsp Chermoula paste
  • You may want to adjust salt & lemon juice when cooled down.


  • Wash the green beans well, nip off the ends and then cut into smaller size if they are really long.
  • Place into a steamer and steam with some salt until soft (you can boil if it’s easier for you)
  • Add the olive oil into a saucepan and heat a little bit before adding chermoula paste.
  • Keep over a low heat and stir well for a few minutes while the spices are infused before adding the chopped onions and green chillies if your using them.
  • When the onions have caramelised stir in the chopped fresh tomatoes.
  • Cook for a few more minutes before adding your steamed or boiled green beans.
  • Mix well and let simmer over a low heat until all the moisture has evaporated.
  • Serve hot or cold garnished with freshly chopped parsley or cut lemon.
  • This dish is traditionally served on the side as a salad, with olives and freshly baked Moroccan bread
Foul T’qolia – Moroccan Broad Bean or Fava Bean Tagine
broad beans,fava beans,foul,Moroccan foul,Moroccan food,Moroccan salad,Spinach,chermoula,recipe,vegetarian,vegan,food,lunch,appetizer,Morocco

This delicious Salad or Tagine can be cooked in the exact same way as the Green Bean salad above where the fava beans are steamed or boiled separately if you want it in a salad form, or you can cook it in the exact same way as the vegetable T’qolia Tagine when the fava beans will be cooking in the tagine with some extra tomatoes and added water for a more saucier stew consistency.

Either way is delicious but the salad way is for a side dish, and the Tagine way is for a main dish. The picture above is a salad version.

Final Thoughts

We hope you have found our selection of Moroccan Vegetarian Recipes informative and inspirational. They are always a hit in Moroccan-themed dinner parties, business lunches and picnics.

Please give us your feedback if you choose to make any of them, feel free to connect with us on Instagram, we would love to view your results!

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  1. 5 stars
    Well I sincerely liked studying it. This information procured by you is very useful for good planning. Kimberlyn Rodney Slater

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